Social Investment
Kamoso identified a number of worthy community organisations primarily from the Eastern Cape to be beneficiaries of our Social Responsibility efforts. These are very well represented broad based groups consisting of an impressive spectrum of 9 previously disadvantaged groups. 95% of the broad based groupings are community-based organisations, whose focus is predominantly on rural people, women, the youth and the disabled. It also includes cooperatives and business groups. In our quest to contribute towards social responsibility efforts, we are committed towards embarking on a number of initiatives where as a company we assist in the up-liftment and empowerment of the disadvantaged communities. 

  • The following are the pillars upon which the Social Responsibility Investment strategy is based:
  • Investment in the  well-being and advancement of communities.
  • Investment in potential customers and their major stakeholders.
  • Investment in potential suppliers and small business that can impact directly on job creation and poverty alleviation 

There is a clear distinction between donations and investment i.e. donations,refers to basically philanthropic contributions and investments being made with specific and broader objectives in mind. We would also like to support and contribute financially to charities and not-for-profit organisations. Our company’s quest is to be known as a company that manages its business whilst also caring for future generations.